Revolutionize your Drupal search experience with Solr
Solr search can be used as a replacement for core content search and boasts both extra features and better performance.
- Faceted Search
- Faceted search is supported if you use the facet API module. Facets will be available for you ranging from content author to taxonomy to arbitrary fields.
- More like this
- Relevant content blocks (“More like this” blocks) can be added to any node page. The block will show you relevant nodes and/or nodes similar to the one your site-visitor is viewing. The analysis happens realtime in Solr
- Search Pages
- Multiple search pages with optionally customized search results, layout and others
- Search Environments
- Add multiple Solr Search cores and query them so you can optimally connect to the one of your choice. Ideal to have multiple facet configurations.
- Range Queries
- These query types, in combination with Facet Api Slider, delivers a very rich faceting experience delivers to the end user.
Public Websites using Solr and Drupal:
- – Uses Solr via Drupal for site search w/highlighting & faceting
- A Job portal build using Drupal CMS. Using solr to index & search jobs posted on website.
- Scintilla: search and MoreLikeThis
- MAME Reviews: faceted search
- Peel Sessions: search
- is a Norwegian online book store with focus on students and school books. Built with Drupal, and Solr powers the search through the Drupal Solr plugin.